Nargis Extension:
Nargis Extension is located along with Nargis Block. It is populated block and has the good approach connected to Golf View Residencia and Raiwind Road Lahore. It is the Right time to invest in this block as Ring road completion till Adda Plot has made the approach of that block much better. It has it’s own small mosque. 5 marla, 10 marla and 1 kanal make up it’s residential plots.
Plot Size: 20 Marla
Location: Nargis Extension, Sector C, Bahria Town, Lahore.
Worth: Rs. 205,00,000/=
The main community features of the area are:
Globe Estate and Builders provides detailed consultancy in Real Estate projects in Bahria Town and Bahria Orchards. Your satisfaction is the main goal of our company. Please call for further details if you want to Buy or Sell in Bahria Town or Bahria Orchard.
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